Major Python syntax changes by version

This is going to be mainly my cheatsheet for different python syntax and standard library changes, because I often work with multiple Python versions across projects and I never remember which feature was released in which major Python version....

Coming to Rust from Django

As a Day of learning initiative at my job, I decided to try what a simple REST API would look like in Rust. Specifically, coming from Python, how difficult would it be to use a statically typed language that doesn't offer the same flexibility as...

Setting up a Django app in Docker with Poetry

This is a short introduction how to build a Django app with Poetry as a package manager and then make it work in a Docker container. Finally, there's a how-to for Heroku and an example app you can use as a reference. Setting up Poetry Installing...

Quality of life settings for a lazy user

Or you can call it "an improved workflow". The thing is, many operations we do during the time spent on the computer can be optimized a little bit, sped up and they're not even difficult to set up or remember. Here I bring a few settings I've...

Profiling python scripts with cProfile and KCacheGrind

This is a very simple how-to about profiling python scripts using python's built in cProfile and KCacheGrind to visualize profiling data. Gathering profiling data Let's assume we have a script called, its content can be for example very...

Custom keyboard layout in X11 and Wayland

This article shows how to make your own keyboard layout under X11 and Wayland. There's many layouts already built in every linux distro, but sometimes you might want to tweak an existing layout or make an entirely new one. For me, the reason is...